A Safe Space for Women's Health Discussions

Shezhealthy is a project that creates a safe and inclusive space for women to openly discuss and learn about topics related to menstruation, infertility, pregnancy, and menopause. The project provides accurate information and dispels myths about women’s health, empowering women to make informed decisions about their bodies.


The goal of the Shezhealthy project is to empower and educate women of all age groups in Kerala about various aspects of their health and well-being. The project aims to provide accurate information, dispel myths, and promote positive health practices, enabling women to make informed decisions about their bodies and lead healthier lives. Through workshops and educational sessions, Shezhealthy seeks to create a safe and inclusive space where women can openly discuss and learn about topics related to menstruation, infertility, pregnancy, and menopause.

Promoting Health Literacy

To enhance women's understanding of their bodies, reproductive health, and overall well-being through accurate and accessible information.

Breaking Stigmas

To challenge societal taboos and stigma surrounding women's health issues, encouraging open discussions and reducing the sense of shame or embarrassment.

Providing Support

To offer a supportive environment where women can share their experiences, concerns, and questions, fostering a sense of community and empathy.

Early Detection and Prevention

To empower women to recognize early signs of health issues, encouraging timely medical intervention and preventive measures.

Addressing Mental Health

To emphasize the importance of mental health during different life stages, providing strategies to cope with emotional challenges and promoting overall well-being.

Partner Involvement

To involve partners and support networks in understanding and supporting women's health needs, especially during pregnancy and menopause.

Empowering Decision-Making

To equip women with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed decisions about their health, including treatment options and lifestyle choices.

Community Engagement:

To build strong connections within the community, collaborating with local healthcare organizations, NGOs, and other stakeholders to maximize the reach and effectiveness of the project.






One Stop Complete Solutions for Pregnant Woman.


Rama Residency, #37K, Suite no, GA, Bowring Hospital Rd, Karnataka 560001, India

Mobile no: +91 70224 42364